tag: exercise
Finally. The big dark cloud is clearing and hopefully greater purpose is beginning to emerge once again.
Lawn mowing!
Was able to have a few strong mindful moments while doing this fantastic yoga routine!
More mowing good
while mowing the lawn
played tag with a grasshopper
could we be friends now?
Very happy with my walk today!
a bit of yoga in the morning and a short walk after work.. not bad!
A lovely walk + meditation
Finished the lawn haha
Lawn mowing again. Very nice!
Forgot to record my exercise yesterday! Oops! This walk felt good. Had a few moments of mindfulness as well. Felt relaxing.
Just a touch of meditation on my morning constitutional. Lovely!
Lawn mowing again. Lots of exercise and bits of meditation made for a lovely experience.
Forgot to log it yesterday!
More exercise yay! Plus a bit of meditation. Very noisy mind tho!
This was yesterday but that’s fine. :-)
Lawn mowing good
More lawn mowing. Truly lovely!
Mowing the lawn is actually quite lovely. Moments of meditative clarity in the midst of all that labor were the cherry on top!
Lawn mowing + meditation = great success
Walking meditation is the best
Completely by accident!
Feeling good!!! Only fasted for 12hrs but that is also good. Will try for longer tomorrow!
Lawn mowing is one of my favorite exercises!
I did some lovely yoga! Not feeling at my best today so grateful for it.
Only fasted for 13 hours but still good! Keep forgetting to report it. But have had a week long streak!
Yoga with Tim kicks my butt every time!
Lovely walk and then a bit of meditation. Feeling quite nice!
Lovely yoga routine!
Lots of walking today!
My walk today consisted of some walking meditation, some Spanish, and closing my exercise ring! Not bad!!
By accident haha!
Fantastic yoga stretching. Overdid it yesterday at the balloon museum so I needed this to stretch out my hips!
Went for a lovely walk today!
Lawn mowing!
Fantastic energetic flow. Good for balance!
Just by accident. Nice how that happens!
Fantastic energetic flow workout. Feeling great!
Lawn mowing good. I am happy that I got a ton of exercise and also made our lawn look a bit nicer!
Not a bad recovery after the long drive north!
Lovely walk today!
Neighborhood walk was lovely. Went to the “old section” and saw some lovely flowers and a new house being built by someone who isn’t our builder! Guess they didn’t have an exclusive contract.
Yoga felt fantastic today!
Went for a lovely walk. Birds were lovely. Smells of sweet flowers blooming.
All I had to do was show a buddy my daily report and he motivated me to practice Spanish! The power of social. Starting to wonder if I should add a feature to send an accountability email to people who want to help!
Got a nice walk with coworkers in.
Ngondro again after a long time. I really want to do this every Sunday!
Found a way to broadcast Apple fitness+ to my big monitor.. just have to own a Mac computer. 😂 So much privilege!
Did it! While at work. Makes me happy!!
So far so good. Feeling good I did rowing for the first time in a while.
I can't believe I did everything! First perfect day since I started tracking all my new habits. Feeling accomplished and energized!
Lovely walk!
Fantastic yoga exercise on Apple fitness+ — quite happy with it!
At least I did something today hehehe
Finally! Back into the exercise groove!! Did an energetic yoga flow. Feeling good!!
I didn’t quite close my exercise ring but I got close and did some walking meditation. It was lovely!
Forgot to mention that I did a lovely yoga routine yesterday. Sadly I can’t back date blog posts so this throws off my “metrics” but that’s ok. :-) Also had a spontaneous meditation session yesterday while showering that was quite interesting! It is amazing to rest with the mind while showering. There is so much enjoyment to be had in what often feels like a chore when done mindlessly.
Lovely yoga session was much needed!
Did some yoga and a bit of walking. Feeling accomplished hehe
Lovely walk with husband this evening!
Lovely walk around the neighborhood. Seems a lot of the construction near us is done!
My first practice of the Yuthok Nyingthig ngondro. Seems it is complete enough also to close my exercise ring!
Did a lovely 45-minute yoga routine. Loving it! And Diablo IV this morning hahaha.
Bit of yoga and meditation. Feeling fantastic!
Lovely 30 minute yoga session. Some discomfort in my shoulder. Should probably ask doctor about it.
Accidentally checked the meditation checkbox while writing this update so I decided to sit for 10 minutes. Glad I did!
I seem to have closed my exercise ring just by climbing the stairs a few times. Yay!
Oh, and I seem to have uncovered a bug, which I have subsequently fixed, that breaks when I choose just a single activity to complete.
Went for a lovely walk!
Hardest rowing workout of my life!
Climb the stairs a few times and voila!
Another 20 minute row. Loving it! Closed my exercise ring too!
Lovely walk with my husband at the park!
Climbed the stairs a dozen times today and finished my exercise ring!
First rowing with Apple Fitness+ and I pushed harder than I ever dared with this rowing machine. Felt awesome! I’m gonna do it again!!!
Seems I broke a record for calories burned rowing. Worked!
Got to zone 2 in rowing for quite a while! Feeling shaky in the legs — does this mean I did strength training too? This article says it is!
It is starting to feel like spring around here! Went for a lovely walk around the neighborhood and decided to cut down some weeds that are starting to grow in. Hope I didn’t damage the lawn!
Stayed in zone 2 on the rowing machine for a while. Feeling tired but pleasant. Accomplished! 30 minutes.
Work circumstances have changed temporarily so my habits have to change too. Already finished my workout and about to go do some meditation hopefully in time for a shower and then I start work!
Feeling very good after having a gap in working out. The rowing machine has been a fantastic investment!
Also found time to meditate a bit thank goodness!
- ✔ Ngondro!
- ✔ Rowing
- ✔ Yidam practice!
- ✔ Rowing
- ✔ Ngondro!
- ✔ Rowing 30 minutes
- ✔ 1x 7min workout
- ✔ DuoLingo
I was obsessing over how much it would take to meet all the requirements for the next empowerment. I’m craving it! Wondering if this is a sign I should let it go. Or watch the craving as I go with the energy and try to enjoy it without having to hit the goal? Do I think this yidam will be “the one” for me?
7min workout kicked my butt! I need to keep doing it!! But there was serious pain in my shoulder doing push ups. I need an alternative or modification.
- ✔ Rowing
- ✔ DuoLingo
- ✔ Rowing
- ✔ DuoLingo -- finished section 2, unit 2!
Lost another pound. Also the scale reports my visceral fat level has gone down by a point to 11 which makes it well within the healthy range. Makes me happy!
Tried doing meditation right after Pilates. My thoughts were mostly preoccupied with things I wanted to do but there were flashes of awareness. Feeling positive. If I gave myself more time and posture support I might have a few more insights!
- ✔ Rowing
- ✔ Pilates
- ✔ Meditation
The morning as a bit stressful with a tornado warning but all is well. Did some things today:
- ✔ Rowing
- ✔ Standing Meditation
- ✔ Wrote some code in My Life to set the foundation for tracking recurring activities (habits)
Had a break last weekend but only gained a bit of weight, so that’s good! Will update this post as I accomplish things.
- ✔ Rowing for 30 minutes
- ✔ Pilates
- ✔ DuoLingo
Feeling so lazy to do any goal-related stuff today. But I did* anyway! Possibly my body is telling me I need to chill.
I at least got the rowing in. 😀
Things appear to be improving. Not sure why. Didn’t accomplish as much as I’d hoped today.
more inside...Rowing after strength training. Never thought I would find the energy but I did it!
Did a core yoga routine using the Nike Training app. Wow! Feeling quite good.
Today’s health related info. Kept it updated through the morning.
more inside...Feeling great after 20 minutes of rowing. Closed my exercise ring!
All set for our flight home! Very excited to return to our lives. Definitely gonna get on my exercise routine.
Family walk today was better! Started by climbing the stairs in the stadium to get the heart rate going. Closed my exercise ring for the first time in a while!
Walk with the family was nice! Didn’t quite close my exercise ring but that’s ok. Kept the energy moving!
Yes it appears I absolutely must get the tagging features working. My motivation is a bit low. Didn’t post once yesterday! Though I did close my exercise ring. Ended up doing a few ad hoc meditations as well but those weren’t intended to improve my mental health but instead work with stress I experienced due to my lack of stability.
I just read an article about why I’m not losing weight and realized that I need to find a strength training setup that won’t hurt my shoulder even more. Ever since I became unable to do sun salutations I’ve lost my motivation! However it is critical not just for weight loss but also for quick recovery from illness.
More research to do!
Work in progress
This site was part of a larger effort to bring more of my digital life "in-house" so to speak. And of course I'm already working on a replacement. Follow along at streamful