This is what I am attempting to accomplish in the My Life blog platform. These are intentions, and change at a whim. I may not process in order, but do use the order as a thinking tool, so most of the time it reflects what I want.
Feedback always welcome!
- Edit Home Page
- Launch!
- Create / edit new page
- Access Log
- Blog post: create, edit, list
- RSS Feed for all posts
- Markdown rendering (optional)
- Preview post
- Limit blog entries to Top X
- Show the monitors on the front page using sparklines (see
- Send webmentions
- Edit server configuration in UI
- Limit RSS feed to top 100
- Blog tagging
- Page for all tags including sparklines
- Receive webmentions (with approval; discovery tests:
- Configure app time zone
- Export everything (complete history), for backup / portability purposes
- Perform recurring activities
- Delete a post
- Reminder email for activities
- Accomplish multiple activities in a single post
- Automatically backup the site on a schedule
- Send an email with the status of an SSL certificate automatic renewal
- Make it so I can see source IPs hitting the server
- Let people send a webmention by entering a url to their page on my site
- Separate activities from other posts
- Accept webmentions on a page
- Associate a task with a tag
- I can see a list of tasks grouped by tag
- When I complete a task, a new post is generated with whatever tag(s) are on the task
- Specify what url I'm replying to in my post
- Enter a third party URL on the "new post" page
- Click "reply" on one of my posts and go straight to "new post" with that field filled in
- Rename a tag
- Delete a tag without having to go to each post with the tag
- Delete a page (so I can delete the tasks page!)
- Make sure to purge its history
- Pass
- Include open graph stuff in discovered content for webmentions/pingbacks
- Get notified when new webmentions come in
- When autoapproved, link to which page they were on
- When approval required, link to management page
- Keep notifications around until I clear them
- When autoapproved, link to which page they were on
- Send/receive pingbacks
- Add an image to a post
- Understand why feed discovery doesn't find the feeds on my page!
- Delete page
- Delete post (and send appropriate webmention)
- Send webmention for deleted post
- Upload files and refer to them in pages, etc.
- Set avatar image
- Discover destination author for webmention previews
- Get to IndieMark Level 1
- Custom templates for pages
- Set up my bio
- Subscribe / unsubscribe to / from another RSS feed
- Front fossil with SSL
- Authenticate to another site using indieauth
- Sitemap
- Maybe figure out why we can't test the EXTERNAL_URL? Seems related to cookies
- Code highlighting (optional)
- Server side content caching
- Client side content caching
- tech debt: Consider only including flexmark libs we use
- Blacklist a previously whitelisted domain
- Remove all webmentions from this domain from all posts
- Whitelist a previously blacklisted domain