rssAdded encryption but not in the usual way. More like SSH than TLS. The eventual intention is to use a combination of DNSSEC and TXT records to prove that a server belongs to somebody. The server's public key is in the TXT record! There is prior art of a similar approach.
So when you establish a session, we use the libsodium key exchange protocol to set up a secure session. Then all future messages are encrypted between client and server safely!
Well.. I hope. I am not a security person. But they say if you use libsodium you probably can't go wrong?
This commit was a huge leap forward in my understanding of how Netty works under the covers. Namely, we were decoding arbitrary messages in a long running connection where sometimes you get a complete message and sometimes you don't. This was the moment when, for the first time, the "sometimes you don't" actually happened.
Today all I accomplished was protecting the privacy of a stream at a very basic level. Server admins can still see everything though. Wasn’t too terribly difficult!
Today I started in on storing and retrieving messages in a stream. Makes me wonder: how do I protect against malicious server admins hijacking my stream? Was thinking of having every message posted to a stream also including a hash of the stream’s “root message.” Trying to figure out how this can be hijacked if all messages are signed and can be verified by other clients.
Took a bit of a break but this morning I sketched out the basic storage mechanism for stream configuration.
more inside...The beginnings of public/private key authentication are in the code!
more inside...Long-ish post about the next steps on streamful — the bottom two layers are explained in more detail. Lowest layer is fairly stabilized!
more inside...I’ve done a lot more thinking about the thing I am itching to build. I’m tentatively calling it streamful. Finally figured out the elevator pitch when talking to my husband about it this morning…
more inside...It appears that the brain churn continues. I want this app to be ultra customizable. So you don’t have to pick a different app depending on what kind of social media you want. Events and microblogging? No problem. Threaded conversations? Absolutely.
Something nobody has ever considered yet? Why not?
So getting the primitives right will be critical!
My brain is currently churning on something that will replace the two apps I’ve built for blogging and event hosting. Hopeful that it will cause action soon!
My only home is peace
From there all else arises —
Rage, ignorance, and lust, as well as
Clarity, creativity, and compassion.
The path to peace is rest —
When activity ceases,
As it always does,
The peace that was always there is apparent.
Even the most frantic of activity
Lives within its loving embrace
And, even if I lose faith in it,
I remember it is always there waiting.
May I always find my way back home.
The definition of karma is, "If I perform an action, a result is certain to follow." There is nothing about blame in there.
Beautiful fantasy series available to read for free! I could not put it down.. Arkendrithyst
re my post about dependency management, the issue was Jitpack. Their repository is not responding. That's problematic!
I ended up swapping out the one library I was using in jitpack with one that was hosted in clojars.
I wrote this post about my big dreams for Coffee Time. I wonder if it's time to start thinking about the My Cafe idea again? The gist: Lean Coffee has a place in a lot of tech circles. However, it hasn't really found its way out. I wonder if there is an opportunity to rethink the whole conversation paradigm and do a bit more experimentation on a new platform?
Work in progress
This site was part of a larger effort to bring more of my digital life "in-house" so to speak. And of course I'm already working on a replacement. Follow along at streamful