Reporting on the status of my blog's infrastructure. How much CPU, disk space, and memory is it using?

MyLife Resource Usage

I remember I wanted to check in on resource usage. So, here we are 75 posts in, with many edits. Running htop, I wasn't able to catch it using using more than 1.5% of one CPU. And, the amount of resident memory it seems to be using, right after startup, is around 1.5GB of RAM. Java is a bit of a memory hog for sure.

$ ls -altrh
total 5.0M
-rw-------  1 scastro-starkey   36 Nov 12 09:06 .keystore-password
-rw-------  1 scastro-starkey 1.7K Nov 12 09:07 .acme-account-keys
-rw-------  1 scastro-starkey 1.7K Nov 12 09:11 .acme-domain-keys
-rw-------  1 scastro-starkey 3.9K Nov 12 09:11 .keystore
-rw-------  1 scastro-starkey 3.6K Nov 12 09:11 .acme-certificate
-rw-rw-r--  1 scastro-starkey 2.0M Dec 28 08:31 mylife.cfg.db
drwxr-x--- 52 scastro-starkey 4.0K Dec 28 08:46 ..
-rw-rw-r--  1 scastro-starkey  32K Dec 28 08:48 mylife.cfg.db-shm
-rw-rw-r--  1 scastro-starkey 2.4M Dec 28 08:48
drwx------  2 scastro-starkey 4.0K Dec 28 08:48 .
-rw-rw-r--  1 scastro-starkey 483K Dec 28 08:48 mylife.cfg.db-wal
tags: coding mylife